Monday, August 17, 2009

Enjoy life... or not?

It's one of those days, that I've emotional moments.
Things aren't going smooth, even the creations I made turn out to look like... uh, dare I say it, CRAP. I've never been that harsh on myself, although I've been said to be my own worst critic.

Easel - Spotlight
Canvas - Spotlight
Patterned Papers - Creative Imaginations
Paint - Sakura
Chipboard - Cosmo Cricket
Dimensional stickers - Making Memories
Ticket - Jenni Bowlin

I've been 'paid' by my friend to do this for her sister's birthday, (by paid, I mean she buys all the products and I get to keep all the leftovers, which is a good deal if you ask me) but I felt like I've ruined it.

She paid a lot for all the products and I don't want her to receive something substandard-ish. At the same time, I can't get myself to do things right. Morever, her sister's birthday is just on the 19th, which is a hard deadline to compete with.

It's my first time working with canvas and all, so I'm unfamiliar with it. I already painted on the canvas so I can't really reverse it, unless how you can adhere paper temporarily with temporary adhesive. Everything doesn't come together, even the original pony chipboard she bought was ruined by me. I feel like refunding her the money and everything for the products I've wasted but at the same time, she's looking for something handmade and not premade for her sister.

It is a hard decision, to keep or not to keep?

Meanwhile, please continue to support me at Prima Teen Comp (entry #4292). It's probably one of the only thing that keeps me going. Would love to hear comments on voting, I will check out your blog and leave some sweet messages too. xx :)


Karen Knight said...

I've had a couple of projects that I have felt this way about.
I think the most important thing is to just step back and take a break, then go back and look at it in a fresh light.

It is one of the reasons that I no longer make gift scrapbooks for anybody, because my mojo just dissapears if the piece I am working on is not for myself. It sounds bad, but it's so true.

Hope that it comes together for you.
It's looking good from here.

Kayla :0)

Shermin said...

I totally get what you meant.

Another thing is I am suffering from lack of mojo whenever I work around with the same supplies for too long. I get frustrated and contemplate on giving up and throwing the products away, but I don't want to waste the money, so yeah haha.

Thank you for your encouraging message! <3